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CASA FRANCES - Country Holiday home in Marche italy















This section shows some of the Local events in the Region of the Marche.

Below a few of the local events are outlined and described. Please also have a browse through the numerous food and wine festivals which also are very enjoyable events.


1] ‘Giostra del Ie Castella’ Caldarola

Historic representation set in the mid XV century. It takes place on the first Sunday of August and features a spectacular offering of a"Doppiere" (A type of torch) weighing approximately two pounds; on the second Sunday you can watch games dating from 400: archery, "giostra deli anello" and "corsa alla papera".


2] ‘Corsa alla Spada e Palio’ Camerino

Historic representation of the late XV century. It takes place between the first and second weeks of May coinciding with the patron saint festival of San Venanzio. The main events are: Giostra della Quintana, Corsa all'Anello, Corsa alla spada. This last game is particularly interesting because it takes place on foot, with a race up a steep hill, amongst beautiful alleys and streets.


3] ‘Cingoli 1848’ Cingoli.

Historic representation set in the mid 800's. The show takes place in the second week of August and consists of a re-enactment of a ball game "pallone al Bracciale" between neighbouring teams of the areas.

italian holiday villa house for rent

4] ‘Contesa Della Margutta’ Corridonia

Event set in the mid XV century. It takes place in the period between the end of August and the first week in September and finishes with a procession of about 500 people in typical costume and the giostra del saraceno (a jousting game played on horseback, typical of medieval and renaissance periods) that recalls the medieval pageant - quintana in which knights with lance in rest, attempted to strike the puppet of an ugly woman.


5] ‘Matilica Munidpium Romanum’ Matelica

Historic representation set at the beginning of the Roman Empire (I century AD). It takes place between the end of August and the start of September; it finishes on the first Sunday of September with processions and pageants including the fascinating Corsa delle Bighe.


6]’ Mogliano 1744’ Mogliano.

Historic commemoration representing life in Mogliano in the mid 700's. The show begins at the end of June and ends on the first Sunday of July, with a procession of about 300 and the Corsa della Bandiera.

7] ‘Palio dei Terzieri’ Montecassiano.
Historic representation set in the mid 1400s Il Palio takes place from the antepenultimate to the penultimate. Sunday of July and is divided into displays, giochi castellani (lord games) andgiostra dei cavalieri (jousting games).

8] ‘Contesa dei Cento Ducati’.Montecosaro.
Historic representation set in '300. It takes place on the first weekend of August with archery competitions and Giostra dell'Anello (a target jousting game).

9] ‘Palio Storico di San Giovanni’. Porto Recanati.
Historic representation set in late '800. It takes place in August and finishes on the third Saturday of August with the procession of the "sciabbegotti con Ie coffe". It features a race in which the competitors carry wicker baskets full of fish from the sea to the market as quickly as possible, without dropping anything.


10]‘Palio’ San Ginesio.
Historic representation from the mid XIV century. It takes place in the period of ferragosto (the August bank holiday) in a perfectly reconstructed medieval setting. On 13 August, the Palio della Pacca takes place, followed by the Palio degli Anelli on 15 August.

11] ‘Palio del Serafino’ Sarnano.
Historic representation set between the end of the XIII and the start of the XIV century. It takes place in August and ends on the second Sunday of the month with competitions of Tiro alla Fune (tug-of-war), Corsa delle Brocche, Salita al Palo and Taglio del Tronco.

12] ‘Palio dei Castelli San Severino’ M. Marche.
Historic representation of the XV century. It takes place in June and finishes on the third Saturday of the month with competitions of Tiro alla Fune (tug-of war), Corsa dei Sacchi (sack races) and Corsa delle Tom.

13] ‘Tolentino 815’. Tolentino.
Historic, military representation of the Napoleonic period. The display takes place in the Castello della Rancia on the first Sunday of may, with processions and military exercises.

14] ‘Festa della Madonna di San Giovanni’.Ripatransone
In early May -
Otherwise known as the 'Fire Horse' this festival consists of a huge model horse going up in a spectacular combination of flames and fireworks.

15] ‘Dono dei Ceri a San Nicola’.Tolentino.
Historic representation of the 1400's in which the Art Corporations of Tolentino, via their Priori, present San Nicola with a candle and a precious banner decorated with coats of arms. The display takes place between the last week in August and the first week in September with games in the square: Corsa a piedi (running races), Tiro alla Fune (tug-of-war) and an archery tournament.

16] ‘Sul Ponte del Diavolo’. Tolentino.
Historic representation of the XII century; a mix of legend and history about the Ponte del Diavolo. The event takes place between the last Sunday of August and mid September with displays of craft workshops, dance, archery and Giostra dell' Anello (a target jousting game) upon the Ponte Del Diavolo.

17]’ La Disfida del Bracciale’. Treia.
Historic presentation set at the beginning of the nineteenth century that re enacts the Gioco del Pallone col Bracciale; a game of ancient origins that developed greatly in the Renaissance period. Each year the challenge is celebrated on the first Sunday of August, following ten days of celebration that begin on the Friday preceding the last Sunday of July.

18]'Giostra della Quintana'- Ascoli Piceno
is Medieval Jousting based on a 14th century version which took place in honor of Saint Emidio. Six riders test their horsemanship.First Sunday in August

italian holiday villa house for rent

19] ‘Torneo delle Guaite’. Visso.
Historic representation set in XIII century when the Town council of Visso was divided into five guaite.The event takes place at the end of July and ends on the first Sunday in August with archery competitions.

20] Urbino
Superb medieval pageant in the historical heart of this perfect Renaissance town.Third Sunday in August

21] ‘Formaggio di Fossa’ - Sogliano al Rubicone
The cheeses buried earlier in the year see the light of day once more. Final Week NovemberAlso at Talamello and Sant'Agata Feltria.

Event Place Period
Palio della Rana (wheelbarrow race with frogs!) Fermignano 1st Sunday after Easter
Corsa alla Spada (sword chasing) Camerino May
Settimana delle Osterie Polverigi June
Verdicchiuo in Festa Montecarotto July
Music Festival Urbino July
Il Violina e le Selce (modern music, dance and opera) Fano July - August
Palio dei Conti Oliva (medieval pageant) Pesaro July
Open-Air Opera Macerata Mid- July to mid-August
La Quintana (medieval pageant/jousting) Ascoli Piceno 1st Sunday in August
Palio dell'Oca (medieval pageant with a golden goose) Cagli Mid August
Wild Boar Chase Mondavio Mid August
Festival of Amandola Amandola Mid August
Rossini Opera Festival Pesaro Mid August
Torneo Cavallereresco di Castel Clementino (medieval pageant/jousting) Servigliano Mid August
Festa del Duca Urbino 3rd Sunday in August
Wine Fair Offida September
Ugly Competition Piobbico September
Jesi Opera Season Jesi End September - November
Grape Harvest Festival Cupramaritima October
Truffle Fairs Apecchio/Sant' Angelo in Vado/Acqualunga and sant' Agata Feltria October/Autumn

Festivals are part and parcel of the Marche fabric. Every town worth its salt throws a party of some description each year, from wine, beer, pizza or traditional food festas and sagras, to pagan festivals and carnivals. The majority take place during the summer.
Many religious feast days are also celebrated throughout the year and most towns have a patron saint whom they honour annually in suitable fashion. Normally local towns co-ordinate these public events, so you can go to all of them!
All festivals, as with most things in Italy are family friendly affairs, where even the smallest of children can be seen running around into the small hours.
Below are just a handful of some of the better known annual events.

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